Keep active while on holiday by taking your CrossFit outdoors. Simply choose one of the options below and giving it maximum effort!

  1. For time : 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees + Alternating Lunges or Pistols
  2. Three rounds for time : 50 CF Sit Ups 400 meter run
  3. AMRAP 20 mins- 5 Push Ups 10 Hollow Rocks 15 Air Squats
  4. AMRAP 20 mins- 5 Hollow Rocks 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats
  5. AMRAP 20 mins- 5 Burpees 10 Alternating Lunges 
  6. For time- 200m Walking Lunges
  7. For time- 100 Burpees
  8. 20 mins- Walk 40s Run Fast 20s (10 rounds going one direction then turn around and repeat the process back)
  9. Four rounds for time : Run 400 meters 50 Air Squats
  10. Twenty rounds for time : 2 Burpees 10 Alternating Lunges
  11. Ten rounds for quality- 200m run as fast as possible every 2 mins
  12. Eight rounds for time : Run 100m 30 squats
  13. Ten rounds for time : 10 sit ups 10 burpees
  14. Five rounds for time : 10 push-ups 10 hollow rocks Run 200 meters
  15. Tabata – 4 minutes at each exercise – 20 seconds on 10 second rest for 8 rounds of: Burpees Sit Ups Push Ups Air Squats
  16. Three rounds for time : Run 400m run 15 Handstand Push Ups
  17. AMRAP 15 mins : 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats
  18. Five rounds, each for time : 400M sprints every 5 minutes